Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A short break

Hi everyone! 

I'm low on content this week and feeling unmotivated.
Therefore, I've decided to take the rest of the week off to regroup and catch up. 

This is mostly because:

1) I've read 3 books in a row that I expected to love, which instead have disappointed me in some way. I need to work my way out of my slump.

2) I was sick all day yesterday and am still recovering. 

3) I have to finish my taxes tonight. I've put them off too long. 

But I am excited that:

1) It is April and I haven't needed my heavy coat this week. 

2) I got my BEA press approval email! I can't wait to see you all there.

3) I'm finally going to see Divergent on Thursday! 

I'm hoping to still visit your blogs later in the week. 
And I also need to get to review writing. I have read some good books recently too. 

Me in a bed of tulips. I am ready for flowers to arrive here.


  1. Aw, cute picture of little you :D I hope you will have a good break week. <3 Enjoy it :)

  2. Enjoy your break, Lauren, because it seems like you definitely need it. Just relax for a bit, feel better, and I can't wait for your reviews! :)

  3. Enjoy your time off, Lauren! Congrats on the BEA and hope you love Divergent. Hopefully I'll catch it this weekend! :)

  4. Get better, Lauren! And enjoy your week off of course:) Ha! So jealous of BEA, but the awesome recaps that always come after the event will somewhat make up for it :) *hugs*

  5. I hope you enjoy your break Lauren, that sucks when you have high hopes for a book and it ends up letting you down! I hope you end up loving Divergent too, I thought it was pretty amazing! And you're so lucky you get to go to BEA!!!

  6. Girl, take your time! I try to make somewhat of a schedule with a certain amount of posts, but sometimes it just doesn't at least you're more considerate than me ;) YAY CONGRATS for BEA press! Ugh. I so wanted to go this year and talked about it...but it just won't work with finances. Hopefully you'll love Divergent as well :)

  7. YAY for BEA!!! I haven't gotten my press approval yet but, if I don't, I figure I'll get a BBC pass, which will take care of things. We'll have to HANG!! Get better. Find some books that don't disappoint (sometimes harder than it should be!). See you soon!!

  8. I hope you get some rest and relaxation, Lauren! I think Theo James should do the trick. ;)
    YAY for your BEA pass! I'm soooo excited to finally meet you!

  9. Feel better, good luck with the taxes, enjoy the movie, good luck finding better reads and have a nice relaxing rest of the week! No worries. We all need a break sometime. :)

    And I guess I might see you at BEA. I'm only going for Power Reader Day...which is now BookCon? I'm still not entirely sure how that's going to work, but I hope to see at least a few book blogging friends! :D

  10. Breaks are a good thing! I hope you feel better soon! I still haven't seen Divergent either, but I really want to! Hope you like it! Love those tulips, too!
