Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Things I Dislike About Love Triangles (1)

I'm always thinking about this topic, so I decided to start a feature about it. My goal is to post one thing a week (for the foreseeable future). I'm not really good at sticking to memes, but I'm going to see how it goes. Plus I don't think it's possible to run out of things I don't like about love triangles.  

So here goes…

Things I Dislike About Love Triangles (1)

When a break-up with the Main Guy gives the heroine a 'valid' excuse to kiss the Other Guy. 

In the book in question, a well-timed break up between the main couple - usually an "I love you but I can't have you" moment in book 2, complete with *sobs* - is used as an opportunity for the protagonist to make-out with the Other guy. It's okay because she's not "cheating."

I can think of many a series where this has happened, and it has long since started to feel like a convenient excuse to give the poor Other Guy and his team some action. Of course Bella kissed Jacob right after she'd gotten engaged to Edward - in front of Edward - and it didn't make me feel any better about it. 

Does this bug you too? 
What's something you dislike about love triangles?


  1. Love new Features! I also love to come up with new ones, stick to them as long as I'm having fun with them:)

    Gosh you mentioned Bella kissing Jacob - that was a moment where I hated this series and Bella so badly. And I must say that I am deeply in love (DEEPLY) in love with Twilight.

    The problem I have with this scenario is that the girl is always leading the other guy on - always! It's never about choosing, because she will always end up with guy nr1.

  2. I agree completely, Lauren! It still feels like cheating because we've seen the protagonist with a completely different guy just chapters ago and the time gap isn't enough to make the new relationship authentic. It worked with The Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy because the first love interest was killed off, the protagonist grieved, and then an entire new love interest was introduced. With Clare's Infernal Devices series, however, that same scenario--one love interest dies--ruined the series for me. Even before that last installment, Tessa had just finished arguing with Will and had, in essence, "broken up" with him before she would kiss Jem. I'm currently reading Jodi Lynn Anderson's The Vanishing Season which also contains a love triangle and I'm hating every second of it, so let's see if I even make it through this one!

    Definitely looking forward to this feature! Yay!(:

  3. There are so many books I've come across recently that have been doing this, and it really does bug me, because it is becoming so overdone. Another thing which bugs me is when the main has disappeared and they don't know if he will return, (but he always does), but the MC still takes up with the new guy and then ends up confused when he does return, its actually really laughable when that does happen, as we as readers always know there is the potential for it to happen that way. Anyway I'm totally digressing and getting worked up hah! Thanks for sharing this post with us Lauren. I'm looking forward to reading more!

  4. YES.

    OMG, that is so annoying. It's like, girl just stop right now because you are using the other guy for some action and it's not okay. Blergh.

  5. YES THIS BOTHERS ME. Oh HOWWWW convenient.

  6. And then, of course, when the main squeeze and the girl get back together, that kiss causes all kinds of angst and tension between the two. Even though they were broken up. Really have cravings to say, yeah, while she maybe shouldn't have done that, you were broken up and so, therefore, it's none of the main squeeze's damn business.

  7. Yes yes yes. The second book syndrome, where the author feels the need to break up the happy couple for some stupid- if not forced- reason.

  8. Haha, you're right - I absolutely love this feature! Oh man, if you ever want a guest post, I'll be more than happy to participate! :D

    Since I've steered clear of love triangles for the most part, I thankfully haven't run into this problem often, but it does make me think of Rose/Dimitri/Adrian, how she was only with Adrian because she couldn't be with Dimitri. I was beyond annoyed. And the fact that it was stretched over the last two books nearly killed me.

    '"I love you but I can't have you" moment in book 2' - so cliche. I wish more authors wouldn't be so afraid to let their couple work as a team instead of having the obligatory angst.

  9. I know what you mean. Just because she's not "cheating" doesn't make it a good idea. It doesn't reflect well on any of the parties involved and usually becomes the source of unnecessary drama and emotional turmoil. :(

  10. Yes, this happens ALL THE TIME. It does seem like an excuse just so the girl can kiss the other guy. One of my absolute favorite series had this happen, although they weren't really a couple because they couldn't be (it was forbidden, etc) and then she actually loses her virginity to the other guy. *gasp* I was actually quite shocked, to be honest and at least it was different (other than the love triangle part). Have you ever asked any authors why they include love triangles? I would love to know the thinking behind it. ~Pam

  11. Gosh Lauren! This is why I adore you and your blog. This is something that bugs me so much in these stupid love triangles too. They might have broken off, but it still feels like emotional cheating to me. The latest one I can think about that had this exact thing going on is Altered by Gennifer Albin. I think I've already talked to you about this and I was just ranting about it with Danielle yesterday!

    In that book the heroine is in love with hero 1 and you think that boy 2 has no chance at all because of all these declarations, then she has an argument with hero 1 who leaves the town for a few days and she doesn't even hesitate to suck lips with hero 2 even though she's repeatedly claimed that she LOVES hero 1. I wanted to hit her and shred the book into pieces when she did that. The same thing happened with Her Dark Curiosity.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with next with this feature, Lauren! Bring on the love triangle hate!

  12. I agree! It's annoying for the obvious reasons you mentioned. It's a lame way to write in immediate conflict but also doesn't say much about the girl who has to run to a guy right after.

    How about if a relationship isn't working - you step back and think about it all - ALONE - without anyone!

    If there was time between he breakup and the kiss I might be able to handle that but it's usually within hours.

    The worst is a book that ping pongs back and forth between the kisses with both guys within pages of each other.

  13. This is SO true! Happens all the times. Another thing I dislike about love triangles is that they're often used as a HUGE plot point. So when it's finally resolved, I'm looking at the book like, wait...what was this about? Oh, just this stupid relationship, I guess.


    That is one of the things I hate so much about love triangles because not is it only not fair to the other person but in a handful of cases the other person also happens to be a friend and that pisses me off beyond reason. I don't understand this need of love triangles and to give the 'other' team some action. It's not fair. At all.

    The worse case I can think of of this is in Clockwork Prince. The conclusion to that mess gets me pissed every single time. You would not believe how much time Siiri and I have spent ranting about it :P

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  15. I love this new meme ideaa nd agree with it completely. God i hate when that happens. It makes it seem like the break up happened between the couple so the girl could kiss the other love interest and keep the fans happy. It's jjst majorily frustrating

  16. I'm glad you brought this up! This seems like a poor plot development, and I'm completely against it. Nowadays, if a book has teams formed for different guys, then I know to steer clear of it. Love triangles are so often used as a plot device, and I'd rather they were avoided altogether. Another reason I don't like them is it because no matter what, someone's going to lose. Someone's going to get hurt, and it may seem like a silly reason, but I just don't want to see that play out, or watch the protagonist toy with both guys' hearts. Great post!

  17. "a convenient excuse to give the poor Other Guy and his team some action." While we all (well, almost of us) see it this way, the authors, more often than not, want to give the heroine, and readers, options. SCREW OPTIONS! It still feels like cheating to me when I'm so invested in the other ship and we ALLLLLLLL know she won't end up with the Other guy anyway *cue eyeroll* That's why it's so annoying. It's usually not even a true love triangle so these so called "options" are completely pointless -.-

  18. Your abhorrence of love triangles really is like nothing else, Lauren! haha I love it. :)
    I'd be okay with this trope if the heroine was legitimately broken up with her first love. But the issue is that in so many YA books, the first love ends up being the "true" love and of course the heroine goes back to him.
    That's a good way to put it, too, that maybe the authors want to give other "teams" a valid chance.
    I can't think of too many examples, actually, but I don't notice love triangles the way you do and I avoid most paranormal series, which is where I feel love triangles are more prevalent.
    Looking forward to reading more of these!

  19. Ohh, I approve of this meme. Hope you will share lots more :D And omg. Yes. I HATE that. So damn much. Oh, how love triangles make me rage. They aren't fair. And it pisses me off so much. Ack. Twilight. I cannot. Back when I read them.. 4-6? years ago I loved them. But was annoyed at things. But now? I cannot look back without hate. Funny thing, I loved Edward. Still do. But I HATE Bella. I HATE how she sort of used Edward. How she didn't care enough. How she HURT him all the fucking time with Jacob. Ugh. It just makes me so angry, lol :p Which is why I don't think I would handle re-reading the books. Though I kind of want to, so I can write honest reviews. Hmm. Anyway. Amazing post sweetie. <3

  20. Ugh, I HATE it when that happens. I know it's supposed to be "Awww, her emotions are a wreck and she just needs comforting and he's so niiiiice," but NO. Keep your lips to yourself until you know what you're doing, because it's totally unfair to the other guy. No no no. Same goes if the guy on the rebound is the one doing the kissing. Stahp.

  21. This is another thing that I don't like. Perhaps we have more in common about the love triangles than I originally thought! haha

    Rebounding and using people. UGH.
