Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue by Marisa Meyer

Gone Rogue
Marissa Meyer
Read: January 10 - 13, 2018
Published: January 30, 2018 by Feiwel & Friends
Source: Book from publisher 
Category: YA, Graphic Novel, Lunar Chronicles Spinnoff, Androids 
Series: Wires and Nerve 2/2
Find: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Indiebound

Book Description: Iko – an audacious android and best friend to the Lunar Queen Cinder – has been tasked with hunting down Alpha Lysander Steele, the leader of a rogue band of bioengineered wolf-soldiers who threaten to undo the tenuous peace agreement between Earth and Luna. Unless Cinder can reverse the mutations that were forced on them years before, Steele and his soldiers plan to satisfy their monstrous appetites with a massacre of the innocent people of Earth.

And to show he’s serious, Steele is taking hostages.

Cinder and Kai, Scarlet and Wolf, Cress and Thorne, and Winter and Jacin all feature in this epic new battle. But it is Iko who must face her deepest fears when she uncovers the truth about her own unusual programming.


NOTE: Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue is the second book in a series, and the continuation of characters from The Lunar Chronicles. See my thoughts on Wires and Nerve, Volume 1.  

I could never get enough of these characters or the Lunar Chronicles world. I love this cast so much - Iko, Cinder, Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Winter, Jacin, Cress and even Thorne. It's been such a treat to see them come to life in graphic novel form after the original series. Though as much as I could read about them forever, it’s also a relief to leave them all in a settled place after this book, bookended by the Stars Above epilogue novella. This duet takes place in the time between the end of the original series and the novella, and it's just the perfect amount of new adventure and lots of nostalgia and swoon for the established characters to leave me grinning. Plus after defeating Queen Levana at the end of Winter these characters have a lot to do to keep the peace that's been established. 

Of course the center of this two book Wires and Nerve graphic series is Iko, and I was so excited to see her become the star of the show for once. Iko's exuberance and fierce protectiveness for her friends, especially Cinder, were just the best to watch. And I could never get enough of seeing Iko and friends scheme and kick butt again. All the while I'm swooning over their romances. I even ended up liking Thorne a little more in these graphic stories than I ever did before - though he's still nowhere near my favorite. 

Threatening the already shaky peace between Luna and Earth, rogue Alpha Lysander Steele has been gathering other rogue wolf-soliders to him, causing chaos and violence and promising a massacre if Cinder doesn't comply with his impossible demands. The danger is  real - including the threat of kidnapping - and it will take Iko and her friends to stop him. Meyer has a particular talent of stressing me out over my favorite couple and once again she plays with my emotions regarding Scarlet and Wolf - I love them so much! Finally, as much as I adored seeing Iko get her own happy ending, I have to admit that I’m still struggling a bit with an Android romance (I’m sorry, *hides*). Iko and Kinney were cute, but they didn’t excite me like the others did (however, I still liked them better than Thorne, so that's something. HA).

 If you love this series, this book is a must read. Don't miss this edition to the Lunar Chronicles world. 

Love Triangle Factor: None
Cliffhanger Scale: Series end (presumably!)

1 comment:

  1. Eee, awesome review Lauren :D I'm so happy you were thrilled with this second book, eee. <3 I'm reading it soon, and I am so excited. Sigh. Love Iko :D And all of these precious characters. Sniffs. I don't want this to be the end at all. Ahh. But ack! I'm a bit sad you didn't fully love the Iko romance, haha :) But totally understand too. <3

    (Also, hope it's not rude of me to point it out, but you have said three times that this book is called Going Rogue, but the title is Gone Rogue. <3 Hugs :D)
