Thursday, March 8, 2018

Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber

Reclaiming Shilo Snow
by Mary Weber
Read: January 27-30, 2018
Published: March 6, 2018 by Thomas Nelson
Source: NetGalley
Category: YA, SciFi, Gamers, Siblings, Aliens, Second Chance Romance 
Series: The Evaporation of Sofi Snow 2/2
Find: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Indiebound

Book Description: Trapped on the ice-planet of Delon, gamer girl Sofi and Ambassador Miguel have discovered that nothing is what it seems, including their friends. On a quest to rescue her brother, Shilo, a boy everyone believes is dead, they must now escape and warn Earth of Delon’s designs on humanity. Except the more they unearth of the planet and Sofi’s past, the more they feel themselves unraveling, as each new revelation has Sofi questioning the very existence of reality.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Sofi’s mom, Inola, is battling a different kind of unraveling: a political one that could cost lives, positions, and a barely-rebuilt society, should they discover the deal made with the Delonese.

But there’s a secret deeper than all that. One locked away inside Sofi and ticking away with the beginnings, endings, and answers to everything. Including how to save humanity.


Reclaiming Shilo Snow is the sequel to The Evaporation of Sofi Snow (check the link for my thoughts on the previous book) and it's so clear how passionate author Mary Weber is about the themes in this series: The value of every human life, the importance of true and honest relationships, and the strength of family bonds, stood out to me the most. 

The first theme was especially prominent in Reclaiming Shilo Snow, as this story explores the very real world issue of human trafficking and how much we miss of what is happening around us. Of course, all of that is going on in a tale that is jam packed with danger and twists at every turn. Computer genius Sofi is trapped on the alien planet of Delon along with Ambassador Miguel. She's there hunting for her brother Shilo, but it's soon clear that in a world ruled by virtual reality and corporate deception, nothing is what it seems. So pay attention or you'll miss what's happening.  

Amidst the high stakes rescue - turned survival - mission is a second chance romance between Sofi and Miguel. The most rewarding aspect of their relationship for me was watching them reconnect and have a honest conversation with each other about there past. After a complicated history, Sofi and Miguel are sweet together and supportive of each other and it was so very needed in this story of danger, where nothing is certain. 

I also love sibling bonds and I enjoyed Sofi and Shilo's unique connection and care for each other no matter what they're facing. On the other hand, Sofi's relationship with her mother is complicated, and I enjoyed exploring that a little more in this installment, as part of the narrative is told from her mother's perspective. That added another layer of depth to the story and to Sofi's character as well. 

Sofi Snow remains at the center of this series, and as more information is revealed about her past, she has to face a lot of difficult truths about herself and her history. But through that, we also get to see Sofi begin to settle into her skin and embrace who she is and what she is capable of, and that was incredibly rewarding to watch happen. 

I'm loving this trend towards duologies and Reclaiming Shilo Snow ends the story begun in The Evaporation of Sofi Snow. The fast paced nature of this duet and cliffhanger mid series, makes this the perfect series to binge as a unit, so if you've yet to pick these books up, I highly recommend doing so now. If you've already read the first in the series, you don't want to miss the conclusion to the duet!

Love Triangle Factor: None
Cliffhanger Scale: Serie end

1 comment:

  1. Eee, yay :D So glad you liked this second and final book Lauren. <3 Book one was only a three star for me, but I will be reading this one too, very soon, I hope :D Fingers crossed I'll like it too. You have made me more excited about it. <3
