Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top Ten Books On My Go-To Shelf

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke & The Bookish 

Top ten books on my go-to shelf. 
(Pallet cleansers)

Some of these books are intense, or may not be inherently seen as "light" or "fun" but they are all indulgent, go-to books for me. I rarely re-read, but these are all stories that I have picked multiple times - or plan to soon. They don't stress me out, because I know how they end and that can be reassuring at times. 

I know you guys have seen most of these books on my lists before. Sorry! I'm nothing if not predictable. 

1) Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella - Laugh out loud funny. Kinsella writes heroines that are quirky and ridiculous, while also being endearing. This book is also so much fun in audio.

3) Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - I love everything about this book, but especially the amazing writing and characters. I love to pick this up randomly and flip to any passage and get swept away again. 

4) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Sometimes I just need a classic to sort me out when I'm in a funk. Elizabeth and Darcy are sure to do that every time. 

5) Sempre by J.M. Darhower - Despite the fact that this book is dark and gritty at times, I cannot get enough of rereading it. For some reason, I love this book with reckless abandon. 

6) Shark Bait by Jen Cooksey - Another self published book that I read recently. This one is all about the big emotions of high school, but also how to scheme to get a guy and figuring yourself out as well. I enjoyed myself immensley reading it. 

7) Going too Far by Jennifer Echols - Johnafter and this book make me smile so hard. My favorite Echols so far. 

8) Any Percy Jackson book by Rick Riordan - I love Greek mythology and Riordan makes it engaging and fun. Love the complete cast of characters, Percy and friend's adventures and learning all about Greek mythology. Because there are so many of these, I haven't had to do any rereading. 

9) Heist Society by Ally Carter - I love books about spies and thieves and this is one of my favorites. This series is smart and fun, and good for all ages. Plus there's Hale. 

10) The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - Another book that is amazing in print and audio, and another book that features small but powerful scenes that I love to flip back through. 

Spring is here and Summer is coming. Don't miss these two posts:

1) Spring Fling Giveaway Hop

Win one book of your choice worth up to $20. 
This is an international giveaway. Click HERE for more information. 

2) Find out about The Summer Series Challenge, and sign up today. 

Click HERE for details.


  1. The Scorpio Races was such a great book!

    My TTT

  2. Awesome list! Can You Keep a Secret also made it on my list this week. Jane Austen also made it on my list, though I chose a different book =)

    My TTT

  3. love the scorpio races. Percy made my list too but I still need to get to Ally Carter!

    My Top Ten

  4. I loved the Scorpio Races! So well done. Sadly, I haven't read any of the other books on your list... yet!

    Here's my TTT post for this week. Happy reading.

  5. Now that I've read/listened to P&P, I know that it will be one I read again and again :)

  6. Can You Keep a Secret is adorable and The Scorpio Races is definitely a go-to book for me as well, not to mention P&P. Jellicoe Road inspires too much emotion in me to be a go-to novel, but Harry Potter, Fire, and any Lisa Kleypas romance would all probably make my list. Great top ten, Lauren!(:

  7. The Scorpio Races just might be my favorite Maggie book. I loved the audio as well as the print version, too. Oh, and I *just* listened to the audio for Jellicoe Road...it was amazing. Why did I wait so long to read that one? It was my first Marchetta book, but I really want to get to the Lumatere Chronicles now. Great picks all around, Lauren!

  8. Yaay for the last two! I've read The Scorpio Races too many times to count.
    When I'm in a mood, I pick up Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones because it unfailingly makes me laugh. If I'm in a reading slump, I go to Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews, and when I want beautiful writing, I reread Maggie Stiefvater or Brenna Yovanoff. Those are my best friends - always there for me. :)

  9. Pride and Prejudice is the perfect read for pretty much every situation. I did not include it on my list because it was so obvious one for me, but I ended up including a couple of Austen re-tellings.
    I really want to read The Scorpio Races, it sounds brilliant.

  10. I'd really like to read Heist Society - I keep hearing about Ally Carter's books, but I never get to them! Anyways, nice list.

    New GFC follower!

  11. I liked the Percy Jackson series when I was younger. It is a great read for tweens!!
    A few of my real-life friends recommended me The Heist Society. I really want to read this series. I will the next time I'll be in need of a fun read!!
    Great list and thanks for sharing (:

    Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl

  12. I also included Pride and Prejudice, but since P&P ends up on almost all my TTT posts, I decided to leave it out. But really, it's totally on this list in my mind :)

  13. Oh, Pride and Prejudice is one of the few re-read classics for me. I think I've read it about 5 times already and I love, love, love this book so much! I love me some Maggie Stiefvater as well, although, The Scorpio Races is the only book I have not read by her. I should get on it soon though;-) You have a fine taste in books, girl!

  14. Love Can You Keep a Secret and Going Too Far. Great choices. And I've had Shark Bait for a while but haven't read it, so many people seem to love it I really have to get around to it.

  15. Ah, Percy Jackson and Heist Society! Two of my great loves. And you can never go wrong with Mr. Darcy. :D

    I will have to check out some of your other picks.


  16. Great list! Heist Society has been on so many lists today--I need to read them! Happy Reading!

    My Top Ten List

  17. Any Sophie Kinsella books are perfect light and fun reads. I still have to read something by Jennifer Echols and Ally Carter - perhaps I'll look into these when I want a lighter read.
    And I didn't make a list this week because I feel like I really don't read many books that could be considered "light and fun," but I think you make a good point. I still do have tons of books that are "comfort reads" for me, that I love to continually refer back to.

  18. I'm seeing a lot of Sophie Kinsella and people's lists so I'll have to check them out. Love Ally Carter of course as well as others on your list! You're expanding my TBR :)

  19. Can't wait for you to read Audrey, Wait! because I think you'll add that one to your list of pallet cleansers too:) Great list!

  20. YES. Pride & Prejudice <3 Whenever I am in a funky mood, I read that book. I LOVE that book. I actually may try to read that book now, because I can't figure out what I want! I love a lot of the other books on your list too. Heist Socitry, Percy Jackson, ans Sophie Kinsella are all on my TBR summer list! I can't wait to read them, I have heard so many great things about them :)

    Great list! Here is my TTT at Nala/s Book Corner!

  21. This topic is such a fun one. :) Have you read ALSO KNOWN AS by Robin Benway yet, Lauren? I just finished that recently and loved it--I think fans of Ally Carter's Heist Society series would lap that up!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
