Friday, January 17, 2014

Evertrue by Brodi Ashton + Giveaway

by Brodi Ashton
Read: November 29 - 30, 2013
January 21, 2014 by Balzer + Bray (Harper Collins) **UPCOMING**
Source: ARC from publisher in exchange for an honest review
Category: PNR, Mythology, YA

Series: Everneath book 3
Find: Goodreads | Amazon

Official Summary: Now that Nikki has rescued Jack, all she wants is to be with him and graduate high school. But Cole tricked Nikki into feeding off him, and she’s begun the process of turning into an Everliving herself... which means she must feed on a Forfeit soon — or die.

Terrified for her survival, Nikki and Jack begin a desperate attempt to reverse the process using any means possible. Even Cole, who they expected to fight them at every turn, has become an unlikely ally — but how long can it last? Nikki needs to feed on Cole to survive, Cole needs Nikki to gain the throne in the Everneath, Jack needs Nikki because she is everything to him — and together, they must travel back to the Underworld to undo Nikki’s fate and make her mortal once more. But Cole isn’t the only one with plans for Nikki: the Queen has not forgotten Nikki’s treachery, and she wants her destroyed for good. Will Nikki be forced to spend eternity in the Underworld, or does she have what it takes to bring down the Everneath once and for all?

In this stunning conclusion to the Everneath trilogy, Brodi Ashton evokes the resiliency of the human spirit and the indomitable power of true love.

Evertrue is the conclusion of Brodi Ashton's Everneath series. My thoughts below are spoiler free for the series (up to a point), if you're curious about these books but haven't started them yet. I made a note where you should stop reading if you're new to the series and don't want to know anything at all about it (no major spoilers). This review safe if you've read the first two books. 

This is a series based on underworld mythology. 
The Everneath series plays off the Hades and Persephone myth and also a little Orpheus and Eurydice, but the Everneath is more its own creation than specifically Greek-based. In Evertrue we explore more of the world below ground and learn a lot more about this society, including how it is constructed and operates. We get a lot of information in this book, and I did wish I had a bit more time to process it all before it was over. But overall, I enjoyed where Brodi Ashton takes her readers in the final installment. 

The Love Triangle that wasn't.
This series features one of those non-love triangle situations that feels triangley at times in a very delicious way. What I mean is that Nikki is always sure where her heart is and it never wavers. But she Jack and Cole are tangled in a situation that is complicated and awkward at times. However feelings wise there isn't any angst in this book, and it's more of a love T than a ∆. She and He are in agreement of their feelings with the other guy also knowing where he stands. 

I like how the romance, especially the 'triangle' played out through the series. It is interesting and integral to the plot, as opposed to being added just for confusion or tension.  All three characters are important to all three books. This is one series that I'm glad I didn't avoid because of my fear of triangles. 

Biggest surprise in this book: the humor!
Evertrue is by far the funniest of the series. I found myself laughing at Nikki's wit and her banter with Jack and Cole, as well as the uncomfortable situations in which they become entangled. After so much intense emotion surrounded these three in the two previous books, this was a very pleasant surprise, as was the opportunity to see Nikki, Jack and Cole interacting together through most of this book. 

I'm sure you're all dying to know what this is about: 
Ten minutes later he stormed back in, grabbed our bags, and went back to the door, holding it open. "We're switching rooms," he said. "To one with a king."
I closed my eyes. A king-size bed. For the three of us. Maybe some adult romance author somewhere was writing the beginning of a similar scene, and maybe that scene was supposed to be hot, but to me it felt like hell.
(If you haven't started this series, you should stop reading here if you don't want to know specifics about the characters)

In Evertrue we finally get the chance to see Jack and Nikki as a couple in the present tense. This is something that I greatly appreciated, as most of their interaction previously has come through flashbacks. I have always been a Jack shipper 100%, and that only increased in this book. Jack is not exactly the same after his return from the tunnels, but he is still completely supportive of Nikki, even when things start to get awkward with Cole. 

After the shocking revelation at the end of Everbound, Nikki is is not pleased with Cole, and neither was I. I was the most surprised with his story arc in Evertrue, and the opportunity it gave to get to know him better in a different light. I'm still not sure how he got to be so obsessed with Nikki in the first place, but I am not surprised by his feelings for her based on how bonded they've become after the Feed and all the time they've spent working together (and fighting with each other). We get to see a different side of Cole in Evertrue, and I appreciated the opportunity to get a glimpse past his walls. 

When Everneath began, Nikki was a complete mess emotionally and physically after surviving the feed with Cole. She was trying to come to terms with all the reasons she made the decision, and especially deal with the loss of her mom and attempt to mend her broken relationship with with Jack, her family and friends. As the series has progressed, Nikki has gained strength and resolve, and learned to accept support from those around her. Her life is still tricky, as trying to balance reality with her connection to the Everlings. But I think the author did a good job portraying that struggle in this book, as well as Nikki's transformation throughout the series from a girl who desperately wants to escape from her life to a girl who is determined and very much wants to live. 

The End. 
The conclusion of Evertrue is emotional, lovely, and I think, right for this series. If you're wondering, the "love triangle" does end in one of these ways, and I thought it was realistic in this context (I'm not telling you which one, though). 

Love Triangle Factor: None for this book. Mild for the series. 
Cliffhanger Scale: Series conclusion


ARC of Evertrue by Brodi Ashton

Giveaway is for US or Canada residents only (Sorry, other international readers!)
You must be at least 13 years old to enter
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Check my previous two posts to enter to win a signed copy of Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi and an arc of Infinite by Jodi Meadows. 


  1. I've yet to read Everbound though I plan to as this book's release is just around the corner. Although I adored Everneath I've made myself wait so I wouldn't have to deal with too much agony because of the cliffhanger and I am so glad to see this series - and love triangle! - ends in a way that is appropriate to the trilogy as a whole. I can't wait to see Nikki grow and am very much looking forward to more Jack AND Cole soon. ;) Fantastic review, Lauren - I can't wait to read this one!

  2. This was one of the few useful "triangles" -- though I agree that it wasn't *really* a triangle. I enjoyed the first one, haven't read the second one but I'm surprised by your commenting on the humor! I just wouldn't have expected it, I guess.

  3. YES LAUREN! The humor surprised me in this one too. I don't know if I just didn't remember the other two books having some of the witty one liners or if they just weren't there, but Nikki and Jack would say something in this one and I would just stop and blink for a minute before laughing because it was so unexpected. Loved that there was some humor to temper the seriousness, and I just thought it was a fabulous conclusion. The Cole situation never fails to give me all the feels, I think he's an extraordinarily well written character. Stunning review my friend!

  4. You are so right about this love triangle. It really wasn't much of one for Nikki because her heart was always with the one. It's more a triangle for the readers. lol I loved how this book ended so much. It was very fitting. :)

  5. Great review! I completely agree about the love triangle!!! I cant wait to read this one!!!

  6. Yay! Jack isn't a zombie when he comes back. And I'm totally Team Jack. :D

  7. Great review! And yes, I'm Team Jack! I mean seriously, how can you not be about Jack?!!

  8. I love, love this series! I cannot wait for Evertrue to come out!

  9. This is another series I have yet to start, but I have read excellent things. Because you feel just as strongly, and I trust your opinions, I know when I get around to reading this, I'll fall in love with it too. :) I didn't get to read this review in its entirety, but I already adore how different this series is. "The Love Triangle that wasn't?" Oh, I must know more!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  10. Cole!! I'm so happy to hear that his personality is explored a little more, and that he gets a resolution (even if it might not be the one I'm hoping for). While I'm not a Jack shipper, I am excited to read an entire book where he and Nikki are both active participants!

  11. I haven't read either of these books but since Jack is not a zombie i pick him.

  12. (This is Darith L.)

    I've yet to read this series, so I don't really have an opinion. But I'd love to get into it because I do love retelling. :)

  13. Heh...I'm glad you didn't avoid this one because of the triangle, too, especially since it's one of those quasi-triangles. Sara's letting me borrow her copy so as soon as it gets here, I'll be picking it up. I can't wait...especially since you say this one is the funniest of the bunch. The first book was so sorrowful that I thought I might never recover from it and the second book was all action, so I'm glad to see that this one brings something else to the table. Maybe this is the year of the awesome series finale? One can only hope, right?

  14. I like the way addressed each character separately in your review. I tend to do an overview of the story, but might try this on my next review post.
    I haven't read this series at all, so I'm really excited about starting it!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is the first time that I have been to your blog and I really enjoyed the layouts of your reviews. I really like Jack because I am a hopeless romantic and he is always there for her...

  17. I'm so happy to hear this is a love triangle that's not frustrating! I read the first one but I still need to continue with the next two books. Wonderful review, Lauren! :)

  18. I read the first two books last Jan and have been waiting for a whole year to read Evertrue. Agree with your take on the romance part of the book. Great review.

  19. Wait...Nikki has wit? I kid, sort of. She has grown a lot between books 1 and 2, so I suppose I can buy her growing more and becoming a more interesting character in book 3. I have to say, of the three characters I think I like Cole the best. Or appreciate him, maybe. I've found him to be much more interesting than the other two thus far, but I am glad that we do get to really see Nikki and Jack together in the present for this book. That'll be a nice change.
    I am glad to hear that you enjoyed this conclusion. I'm pretty interested to see what happens for myself. And I also appreciate how this series has managed to avoid falling into a stereotypical love triangle.

  20. This sounds like a great book. I'd love to read it. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  21. Ooh, now I really can't wait to read this one! I loved Everneath, but I still need to catch up on Everbound! And yay for humor! :) I'm pretty much Team Jack, but we'll see what Cole has up his sleeve.

  22. Good ending to the trilogy. Everything is tied-up nicely and I shed a few tears. The story follows Nikki as she works with Jack, Will, and Ashe to take down the Everneath. Cole even becomes an unlikely ally and we are finally able to fully learn his back story. Honestly, the story ended as it should have but perhaps not as I had hoped. Still, an enjoyable read. I'll keep an eye out for what this author comes up with next.
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