Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi + Giveaway

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine 
that spotlights upcoming releases we can't wait to read

This week I can't wait for:

by Tahereh Mafi
Published February 4, 2014 by HarperCollins

I don't think I need to explain why I'm equally excited and freaking out about this release. I've been so so hesitant about series conclusions lately, and this is one that could truly break me. But I have faith in Tahereh Mafi, even if things don't go my way. Whatever happens, I'll be finding out the second this book hits shelves. 
If you want to know which way I'm hoping this story goes, check out my side panel ---------->>>>>>>>>


In anticipation of the upcoming release of this series conclusion, I'm giving away a
signed ARC of Unravel Me. 

Giveaway is for US and Canada residents only (Sorry, other international readers!)
You must be at least 13 years old to enter
See my policies HERE

**I'm doing several giveaways this week! Check HERE to win a copy of Infinite by Jodi Meadows**


  1. I'm dying for this one. I've felt everything that I could feel with this series. I *think* I'm still Team Adam but honestly I don't even know anymore. I just want it to be good. However it ends, whoever Juliette ends up with, I want it to be a thrilling ride. I don't want to feel disappointed by it, but at this point I've built it up in my head that it's hard for it not to be.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My WoW

  2. I am dying for Ignite Me! I have it pre-ordered and I just wish an Amazon drone could drop it in my lap right now! LOL Especially after Fracture Me. I mean now they both think the other one is dead?! I'm thinking maybe Juliette will end up with Warner after all. Just so curious to see how it all ends.

    My WOW

  3. I know how much you've enjoyed this series - and also how anxious you are about series endings - so I hope this trilogy is one that ends strongly. I'm curious to see what the reading community thinks of this as so many fans are absolutely in love with the books, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that IGNITE ME doesn't disappoint for any of you.

  4. LOVED the first one, am waiting for this third one to come out so I can do a mini-binge to finish the series! LOVE the covers for all of them, too.

  5. I still haven't read book 2 but I adored Warner in book 1 and feel like that might be intensified in the sequel. Not because I want them to be a couple but because I thought Warner was intensely charismatic if also psychotic.

  6. TEAM ADAM!!!!! Two friends just finished Unravel Me this week. One is undecided about the boys but is swaying towards Warner. The other is all about Adam still! Yay! Just a few more weeks until I need to lock myself in my room to read this one! lol

  7. Dammit. I'm so far behind on so many series Lauren! I need more hours in the day so I can just read all the books I want and get caught up on all the series I've started but have lost track of. Can't wait to see what you think of this one:) I've only read the first one, but after that I'm solidly TEAM ADAM and I don't like to switch teams once I've picked, so I'm rooting for Adam to come out on top in the end:)

  8. Yes, yes, yes! I cannot wait for Ignite Me! I just need to finally decide if I like Warner or Adam better once and for all!

  9. I am very excited for this one too! But I am Team Warner. It's a long story but it involves a very vivid dream I had after reading Shatter Me in which Warner made me brownies. I am a sucker for a guy (however fictional and/or imaginary) who gives me sweets. ;)

  10. I've been counting down for Ignite Me for a year now. So excited. I was really confused as to who Juliet would end up with, but after reading Fracture Me I would say she's going to end up with Warner. I was really torn between Adam & Warner, but Adam has no faith and real love for Juliet. I was so disappointed by that novella. Thank you for the amazing giveaway. It's a really, really good one.

  11. I'm excited and nervous at the same time for this one, too, Lauren! I have also been weary of series enders because several have been disappointments. I'm also not loving the triangle that was presented in the 2nd book. How is anyone going to be happy when both are compelling characters?

  12. I haven't read the series yet, but from what I can tell I'm Team Adam. This cover is by far the best so far, too.

    I like that you did a giveaway as a Waiting on Wednesday. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. YES! I'm so excited for Ignite Me! This series is seriously amazing! Tahereh could take the story in so many different directions so it's hard to figure out which one she went with, nor do I want to spoil anyone with my guesses.
    Team Warner all the way though! :P

  15. Excited. Nervous. Dreading. Anticipating. I am having all these contradictory feels about Ignite Me. SO MANY. Glad you and I have each other to get through it together:)

    Fab giveaway, btw:)

  16. Lauren, remember I had a mixed reaction to Shatter Me? Well, I read Warner's novella shortly after, and I think his voice and story made me warm up to the series. I still have to read Unravel Me, though. I have it waiting for me on my Kindle App. I should get to it soon, so I can read Ignite Me with the rest of you next month. :)

    I still haven't chosen a side, but I did fall for Kenji. <3

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  17. THIS BOOK. I WANT. I'll have to use tons of self-control to not break the readerly rule of looking at the end so I know if she ends up with my guy or not.

  18. I'm Team Adam too, and I think we're going to be disappointed in that part of it. But I still can't wait to read it. ~Pam

  19. Omg if Juliette doesn't end up with Warner i'll lock myself inside my house, own 20 cats and eat ice cream everyday while sobbing for the love that could've been. Team Warner 4 lyfe !!!!!! >:D

  20. I am still unflappably Team Warner, but I am seriously nervous about this book, especially after everyone's reaction to Adam's novella. I feel like she wants us to believe one thing so we'll be completely surprised when she takes it in a completely different direction, but maybe that's what she *wants* us to think!?! *sigh* I'll be reading this one the day it drops. Hopefully the awesome streak of finales continues. *crosses fingers*

  21. I'm Team Warner all the way. Adam's okay i guess, but Warner's character has so much depth. I honestly have no idea what the author will do, but I will go down with this ship. So many signs point to Warner, but if she's doing that on purpose just to mess with us, I won't know what to do. Sigh.

  22. I have only just started the first one but I am excited to see where this goes.

  23. I don't know what to expect for Ignite Me at all! Hopefully a satisfying end to the love triangle! I'm Team Adam so far, Warner kinda creeped me out...
