The Cress blog tour is organized by MacTeenBooks
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I am an enormous fan of the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. With each book I've read in this series, the complexity
of the story and the excitement of the plot increases, and I can't help
but fall deeper in love with Meyer's characters and her storytelling.
Cress is definitely my favorite book of
the three, although Wolf is my favorite character of all so far. You can find my glowing
thoughts on the third installment HERE.
Today I'm incredibly excited and honored for Marissa
Meyer to talk about some of her favorite fanart images. Fanart completely
fascinates and amazes me. I am not artistic at all, but I am a very visual
person, and I love to see artists' renditions of my favorite books. I can't imagine how incredible it would be to write a book, and then have someone draw images about it.
Welcome, Marissa!
Welcome, Marissa!
Highlighting Some Favorite Fanart
By Marissa Meyer
I am a sucker for all fanart, and I particularly love it when artists
use their art to theorize on upcoming books, or envision characters that
they’ve only barely met. It’s so much fun for me to see how even a single line
or scene can inspire a drawing, a comic strip, a painting—anything! Without a
doubt, this is one of my favorite parts of being a writer.
Though CRESS has only just come out, some clever artists have been
drawing fanart related to the book for months—even years! Here are some
of my personal favorites.
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OMG movie posters!! This piece makes me very excited and hopeful that
there may be an official Cinder movie someday... *fingers crossed* In the
meantime, this fanartist is actually making her own fanvid, a trailer for which
can be seen HERE.
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I am a sucker for any fanart that highlights all four girls, even
though you guys haven't met them all yet! This one does an awesome job of
capturing their unique styles. The artist, Abbi, is definitely one of the most
prolific TLC fanartists, and I adore everything she does!
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I am equally a sucker for anything that highlights one of those quirky
moments between the characters, and this one delights me to no ends! (It
doesn’t hurt that seeing the characters chibi-fied filled with vast amounts of
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This more recent piece has such a strikingly gorgeous interpretation
of Cress, and really captures her and her plight so well. It has a romantic,
day-dreamy quality that I absolutely love.
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Last but by no means least, this drawing makes me SO HAPPY. I
literally lol’d the first time I saw it.
More amazing fanart can be found on the Lunar Chronicles Tumblr.
About the author
Marissa Meyer lives in Tacoma,
Washington, with her husband and three cats. She’s a fan of most things geeky
(Sailor Moon, Firefly, color-coordinating her bookshelf . . .), and has been in
love with fairy tales since she was given a small book of them when she was a
child. She may or may not be a cyborg. Cress is the third book in her
debut series the Lunar Chronicles.
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Enter to win a paperback of Cinder + a paperback of Scarlet + a
hardcover of Cress + a special Cress comb!
Giveaway is for US or Canada residents only (Sorry, other
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You must be at least 13 years old to enter
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My favorite character so far has to be Captain Thorne he is just so amazing!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character is Cinder, just because of her personality and how she things and acts. Iko comes in a close second. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character in this series is Cinder :D
ReplyDeleteThorne and Iko are tied. I would read a book just about the two of them <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so not artistically talented at all, but I absolutely love fanart, and am floored by the quality of some of the bookish fanart I come across on tumblr. Trailers and faux movie posters and character illustrations - I love them all! It really helps scratch that itch when you've just read a fantastic book, and you're not ready to leave the world, and then you realize super talented, smart people aren't ready to leave the world either, and they're spending a lot of time and creativity trying to keep it going in some way. Thanks for sharing these!
ReplyDeleteCinder, of course! That final piece of fanart is the best one I've seen yet. I just love it.
ReplyDeleteI love them all! I really liked Scarlet and can't wait to meet Cress!
ReplyDeleteSuch cool fan art. Can you imagine getting that in your inbox? What an awesome way to start a day and get you inspired to write more.
Captain Thorne is definitely my favorite character thus far!
ReplyDeleteIko! Hands down. I adore her and desperately want to see her get a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised by how much I really loved Scarlet!
ReplyDeleteLoved your review of Cress and am even more excited now to read it. I thought the two storylines in Scarlet were really interesting, so it will be fun to see another one added in...I love books where a bunch of different stories start to tangle together.
ReplyDeleteI really love the last fan art!!! :))) It shows Cinder Iko's friendship!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the fan art!! My favorite character is Kai...and he probably will always be my favorite character. Although, Thorne, Cinder, Wolf, and Scarlet are tied for second place ;)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is is Iko or Thorne. XD I'm sure I'm going to love Cress though! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't think I can choose, but Iko and Scarlet are definitely at the top of my list!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, this is torture! I just love all the characters so much that it is nearly impossibly to simply just choose one! I have to go with Cinder and Scarlet because I just adore their personalities! <3
ReplyDeleteI love Scarlet and her sass!!!
ReplyDeleteI really love all of the characters! Kai and Cinder are my favorite pairing, but I also really love Scarlet and Wolf. And don't even get me started on Thorne, he would totally be my best friend! But, let's face it, all three guys are just so swoon-worthy! And the girls are just so kickass, and I can't forget to mention my love for Iko! <3
ReplyDeleteOMG--the Cinder/ Iko drawing---LOVE it! :)
ReplyDeleteQuirky, yes! Loved that one. I also really adore the second picture which kind of seems like a Disney picture lol. My favorite, however, is the gorgeous interpretation of Cress. That's STUNNING! *stares* You know, I tried reading Cinder in 2012 and put it down when I was half way through. It was so hard for me to pick it up every night. Last fall, though, I tried again and actually enjoyed it a bunch! I'll post my review soon. (I'm so behind with posting them, as you can see :D) I'm so glad you adored Cress and I hope that the last book will be your absolute favorite! Thanks for sharing, love!
ReplyDeleteI think that Cinder is still my favourite. There are a lot of really amazing fanartists for this series.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway! I can't decides between Cinder or Scarlet. There are so many great characters. <3
ReplyDeleteI'm quite looking forward to this, mostly because of Wolf and Scarlet, but also Thorne. ;) I love looking at fan art, though, as it's always so incredible to see the talent of others displayed so creatively. Thanks for sharing this, Lauren!
ReplyDeleteIKO or Wolf. Who doesn't love IKO?!?!?! She is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IKO! She's amazing and so funny! But I also love Cinder because she's so independent and truly the definition of a hero!
ReplyDeleteI love Cinder, she is hardworking and determined!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I LOVE THORNE!!! <3
ReplyDeleteThorne is most definitely my favorite character!! Followed by Wolf.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite characters so far are Wolf and Scarlet, though I love Iko as well (the Iko/Cinder fan art was amazing!
ReplyDeleteCress! Although Scarlet comes pretty close :-)
ReplyDeleteI love Iko and Thorne!
ReplyDeleteProbably Wolf!
ReplyDeleteI can't choose a favorite. I love them all!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to pick a favorite! I loved Scarlet and Wolf, though!
ReplyDeleteI love all of the characters, but if I had to choose it'd be Wolf. I have a feeling Cress might add to that.
ReplyDeleteCinder, of course. She is the best especially with her wonderful tech. skills. Who could hate her?
ReplyDeleteI love Cinder. :D
ReplyDeleteCinder's my fav
ReplyDeleteI really like Kai. He balances his own needs vs. the needs of his people admirably.
ReplyDeleteWolf is definitely my favorite so far.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character is either Cinder or Thorne. I can't decide. But pretty much all the characters are awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post and the giveaway! I'm loving the fanart, especially the chibi one.
(This is Darith L)
ReplyDeleteI love Thorne :D
Totally love Iko!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character is definitely Captain Thorne. <3
ReplyDeleteHands down, Prince Kai!
ReplyDeleteThis is such an interesting post! I love it when authors really love and appreciate their fandom, and I think Marissa Meyer does more than most (probably because she was also part of fandom before becoming a writer). I used to love reading fanfiction, but I don't have time to do that anymore. I do appreciate seeing fanart though. I wish I was talented enough to draw these sorts of things haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite character is Cinder. Kind of boring, but hey she's the ultimate protagonist and I just really emphasized with her in Cinder and she's still the character I care most about.
Oh, don't make me pick a favorite - I love each of them for different reasons. Can I just be a part of their Scooby gang?
ReplyDeleteI will always love Cinder the best; she's the first one I met and she's stuck with me ever since!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!
My favorite character is Cinder. She's definitely a strong girl and she cares a lot about the people around her. I also like Scarlet. She's strong and doesn't give up. Thank you for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI can't help but love Cinder. She is smart, strong, and totally fierce!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had the talent and the time to create fan art. I'm really impressed by that one of Cress. It's gorgeous! Oh, and uh, my favorite character so far is Captain Thorne. :)
ReplyDeleteI love Wolf...though Thorne is really growing on me!
ReplyDeleteI love Cinder the most! But Prince Kai comes in a close second, because... well he's a prince after all. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love Iko, she's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteCinder is pretty badass! :) And I LOVE the fan art! They're all so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI've got to go with Thorne...but Iko's great too.
ReplyDeleteI like Cinder, love her personality
ReplyDeleteI really love the character of Scarlet so far!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of these yet, but I think I'm most intrigued by Cress.
ReplyDeleteLove Scarlet for her feisty personality and Wolf for his coolness.
ReplyDeleteI've only read Cinder so far and I love love loved her! I can't WAIT to read the rest of the books!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a favorite because I haven't read the books yet, which is why I'm hoping to win and get my hands on them :) Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI would say that my favorite is probably Iko. At least in Cinder. Scarlet was pretty awesome too. I am actually impressed with how much I like all of the main girl characters - typically I find at least one YA female lead in a book always has to be whiney and annoying. Not so here!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character is of course Cinder! Looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite characters so far have been Wolf and Scarlet. I loved their story and can't wait to read Cress.
ReplyDeleteWolf, he is a sexy bad boy alien that I wouldn't mind having a tryst with!!!
ReplyDeleteCinder is my favorite character so far but Scarlet is a close second. I also really love Iko!
ReplyDeleteCinder is my fave, but from the sounds of it, Cress could be coming up on her.
ReplyDeleteCinder and Iko are awsome together, that picture really captured them.
ReplyDeleteCinder is my favorite character because she is so strong and I love that in a female protagonist.
ReplyDeleteWOLF! He's just so awesome! And tormented!
I love Wolf!
ReplyDeleteI think Scarlet is my fave so far!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it, nor do I have the books, but I am dying to so this would be SO awesome to win!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to choose but I love Cinder and Iko!
ReplyDeletePicking one is pretty hard, because I like almost everyone. Cinder, Scarlett, Wolf, etc.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character is still Cinder -- and I have a feeling she always will be, just because she's our introduction to the Chronicles and I will always remember how I felt reading that book!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could draw! I've not no talent for it though.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character was Scarlet so far. She's just so vibrant and bold. I love her. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite character in the Lunar Chronicles is Cinder. I love that this Cinderella is a mechanic, and her too-small slipper was her actual cyborg foot. As far as the guys, Wolf makes me swoon. :)
ReplyDeleteSo far I think my favorite is Thorne. But it is really hard to pick because I love them all. I think Thorne is charming and funny.
ReplyDeleteCinder is my favourite!
ReplyDeleteI really like Iko but I really like Wolf then I like Cinder and Scarlet and Kai and Thirne so I think its fair to say I am in love with everyone except for certain Lunars who think you can come down here and become ENGAGED TO PRINCE KAI !
ReplyDeleteMy favourite character is Cinder. I'm a sucker for protagonists, especially female ones! Cinder encompasses strength and humility which I believe are qualities lacking in some young adult fiction. I love the Lunar Chronicles; they're very refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI love love Cinder! She's one of the few protagonists that I actually totally like. Usually there's at least one flaw that always irks me (too perfect, annoying, lame, etc etc), but with her she's so real!
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